Every spiritual journey is unique and so are our experiences and attainments. Our achievements give us confirmation that we are on the right spiritual path. Sharing such life-changing miracles and transformations is a very essential part of our spiritual journey, since these can help and motivate others on their spiritual path. Here, the experiences of few ShivKaliBodh followers have been shared:
I am from a village in Moradabad and now settled with my family in Delhi. In December 2017, I developed an acute lump in my throat. I was alarmed and got it checked and was shocked when the doctor told me that my thyroid problem had aggravated and now it had to be operated. I immediately called BhaiGuru Mahesh and apprised him of the issue. He asked me to come to ShivKali Ashram in Noida and start the ShivKaliBodh spiritual process properly. By the end of Jan 2018, I stared feeling that the lump in my throat was reducing in size. Then I got the thyroid test done in end Feb 2018 and was elated when I found that the TSH level had come within the permissible limits.

- Maya Rajput

I was a atheist and spirituality was absolutely the last thing on my mind in life till mid 2017. However, I was sick and tired of the problems I was facing in life and the selfish nature of people around me disturbed me the most. So when BhaiGuru Mahesh talked to me about divine and selfless love, I was motivated to practice ShivKaliBodh. This was in July 2017. Now almost into my 8th month, I am an entirely changed person. I have again got back my will to live and leave the path of self destruction that I was following. And of course! I am a believer now.

- Nipun Chandrashekhar

My husband deserted me many years back and since then I had been struggling to raise my children. I would always curse god for giving me so much unhappiness in life. I was leading a mechanical life with no hope of a better tomorrow. In July 2017, on the advice of Maya Rajput, I accepted the ShivKaliBodh process. I was motivated when she told me that there was no guru in this system, and we had to accept divine mother as our guru. In 8 months, my thought process towards life has completely changed. By the grace of Ma Kali and Mahadev Shiv, I feel the divine energy within me throughout the day. I have never been more happy and contented in my life.

- Shanti